Smoke Detectors need to be replaced every 10 years.

I refer to several articles that have appeared lately about a landlord who has been charged for failing to install fire alarms in a home that caught fire which alegegly resulted in 6 people perishing.
Here is a link to one of the articles.
Since this has been reported a number of people have discussed this with me not knowing that this was the law, as far as I know in every state and territory.
One for example, had detectors which were over 20 years old and while they had been replacing the batteries every year were not aware the whole unit needed to be replaced.
I really like the Nest Protect smoke detectors as it is linked to my mobile phone and it says the name of the room smoke is detected in within the building and also sends a message to my mobile if I am away from the building.
This worked beautifully when a tradesman was using a gringer in my home and the detector picked up the dust and alerted me. I immediately rang the tradie and instructed him that on no circumstances were any hot works including grinding to take place inside my home.
Another great feature is that it also detects carbon monixode which can be deadly.
With this unit it advises you when the 10 years is approaching. I learned something though as I thought the unit had a 10 year battery. This is not the case. You can replace the battery(ies) as you should every year and the Nest Dectect is no different even if it is hard wired.
Nest Detect which is owned by Google is available in heaps of places including Office Works and Bunnings. The only down side is they are on the more expensive end but the features to my mind are worth the investment.
Why I am raising all this is that any brokers who have clients who are landlords or landlords reading this yourself, the article by Mikaela Mulveney is a great reminder of a landlords’ obligation.
To check your state, a quick Google search is the way to go. For example here is one from Fire and Rescue New South Wales.