Category: Property Law

Business Interruption—Can a New Business Collect for Lost Profits or Are They Too Speculative?

Proving financial damages for a new business is usually a difficult task. Following older case law, some states make it nearly impossible under “the new-business rule,” which prohibits a new, never-before-operational business from recovering anticipated profits because such financial damages are too remote, speculative, and uncertain to support a judgment for their loss. The more […]

New Trust Reporting Requirements

Trust Returns In December 2022, legislative amendments were introduced to mandate additional information reporting on an annual basis for certain types of trusts in Canada. The amendments are effective for taxation years ending after December 30, 2023. There are three main changes under the new rules: All trusts, unless certain conditions are met, will be […]

The State Farm Water Initiative—Water Restoration and Mitigation Companies, Public Adjusters, and Policyholders Find Out How State Farm Got Tough on Water Losses

State Farm started a “Water Initiative” in 2017 to reduce claims adjustment expenses and reduce payments regarding water losses. While the current litigation exposing this claims process is primarily in California, the program is obviously being applied in a number of other states. Since water loss claims are the most frequent type of loss, it […]

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