Category: Property Insurance

How Rules of the Road Applies to Winning Property Insurance Cases: Chapter Five – Why Rules and Principles Need to Be Kept Distinct

James “Jimmy” DePalo Jr., Esq. Rules of the Road, written by Rick Friedman and Patrick Malone, is a must-read for a plaintiff attorney. It serves as a step-by-step guide and rules framework to help build a case against a defendant with the highest likelihood of success. As cited previously in our Merlin Law Blog: “At […]

Do Market Conduct Claims Studies Effectively Regulate Wrongful Insurance Company Claims Practices?

Do insurance regulators pay attention to all the news media stories about delayed and wrongful claims practices? Do insurance regulators and market conduct examiners do an effective job when it comes to claims? For policyholders, restoration contractors, and public adjusters, the answer is an emphatic “no.” Professor Jay Feinman, Insurance Law, Rutgers University Insurance law […]

Are Public Adjusters Useful or A Menace? The Need to Raise Standards to Gain and Maintain a Public Adjusting License

The words to the question of this title are not mine. They were read aloud to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) from a letter written by the Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Thomas B. Donaldson. The insurance commissioner also stated: I want to make certain that my opinion of the public adjusters in my city—not […]

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