States Target Health Insurers’ ‘Prior Authorization’ Red Tape
Christopher Marks noticed an immediate improvement when his doctor prescribed him the Type 2 diabetes medication Mounjaro last year. The 40-year-old truck driver from Kansas City, Missouri, said his average blood sugar reading decreased significantly and that keeping it within target range took less insulin than before. But when his doctor followed the typical prescribing […]
¿Ofrecer vivienda gratis es atención médica? Programas de Medicaid dicen que sí
Estados están invirtiendo miles de millones de dólares en un experimento de atención médica de alto riesgo: utilizar fondos ya escasos de seguros de salud públicos para proporcionar vivienda a los estadounidenses más pobres y enfermos. California está liderando esta tendencia, destinando gran parte de un presupuesto de $12 mil millones a una ambiciosa iniciativa […]
In Fight Over Medicare Payments, the Hospital Lobby Shows Its Strength
Phil Galewitz, KFF Health News and Colleen DeGuzman In the battle to control health care costs, hospitals are deploying their political power to protect their bottom lines. The point of contention: For decades, Medicare has paid hospitals — including hospital-owned physician practices that may not be physically located in a hospital building — about double […]
For the Love of Health Care and Health Policy
Nothing melts our hearts like a health policy valentine. Readers made us swoon this season, writing poetic lines about prescription drug pricing, medical debt, primary care shortages, and more. Here are some of our favorites, starting with the grand prize winner and first runner-up, whose entries were each turned into a cartoon by staff illustrator […]
Special Enrollment Period 2024 | Solid Health Insurance
by Barbara Kempen | Feb 16, 2024 | Affordable Health Insurance, Blue Shield of CA, Covered California, Dental Insurance, getting married, Health Insurance Brentwood, Health Insurance Pacific Palisades, Health Insurance Santa Monica, Member Benefits, Special Enrollment Period | Starting February 1, 2024, the Annual Open Enrollment Period ends and the Special Enrollment Period begins. During […]
The No Surprises Act Comes With Some Surprises
The No Surprises Act, the landmark law intended to protect patients from surprise out-of-network medical bills, has come with, well, some surprises. A little more than two years after it took effect, there’s good and bad news about how it’s working. First, it’s important to note that the law has successfully protected millions of patients […]
How do HEOR studies handle missing data? – Healthcare Economist
That is the questioned answered in a paper by Mukherjee et al. (2023). The authors define an “HEOR study” for this paper as …real-world evidence studies that conducted a secondary/post-hoc analysis using randomizedcontrolled trial (RCT) data, and a within-trial cost-utility analysis in which the outcome of interest was costs or PROs including preference-based utilities (e.g., […]