Does an HRA rollover? What happens to unused HRA funds?
Does a health reimbursement account rollover? Good question. Let Take Command clear that up for you, along with a few of the finer details surrounding health reimbursement arrangements. First important detail to remember: HRA stands for health reimbursement arrangement, not health reimbursement account. Let’s jump in!
Streamline QSEHRA Reimbursements with Payroll Automation
Way to go! You’ve decided to reimburse your employees tax-free with a QSEHRA. Trust us, your employees will thank you! So what do you do now? How do I get the funds to my employees tax-free? Here’s how to automate QSEHRA reimbursements through payroll.
Why Life Insurance for Women Matters The Most?
International Women’s Day was recently observed on March 8th. Women make up the 51% of the entire United States population and 56% of the US labor force. Despite their significant representation in government, women still face challenges about the wage gap; hence their life insurance is being set aside. Contrary to popular belief, life insurance […]
Why you should consider Long-Term Care Insurance in 2024?
Although the American population is aging rapidly, Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance is held by only about 1 in 30 Americans and approximately 7% of adults over the age of 50. Studies show that someone turning 65 today has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care service. Women need care longer (3.7 […]
A New $16,000 Postpartum Depression Drug Is Here. How Will Insurers Handle It?
April Dembosky, KQED A much-awaited treatment for postpartum depression, zuranolone, hit the market in December, promising an accessible and fast-acting medication for a debilitating illness. But most private health insurers have yet to publish criteria for when they will cover it, according to a new analysis of insurance policies. The lack of guidance could limit […]
PREFER recommendations for patient preference studies – Healthcare Economist
Patient preferences should be the most important part of health care decisionmaking. However, third parties often make decisions for patients. Physicians make decisions for patients due to asymmetric information (i.e., physicians are experts; patients typically are not). Payers make decisions for patients since–in most developed countries–third-party payment cover most of the cost. Moreover, in some […]
Federal Poverty Level (FPL) for 2024
The Federal Poverty Level ( FPL) is a benchmark to assess individuals’ and families’ income levels relative to the federal poverty threshold. In California, health insurance premiums frequently adapt positively based on income in relation to the FPL. Individuals or families with incomes below a certain percentage of the FPL may qualify for subsidies, which […]