Category: Criminal Defense

The New Rape Mantra: Believe Hamas

As the cultural landscape in America shifted from “no means no” to affirmative consent, wreaking havoc as it was untethered from any viable definition and was saddled with a litany of excuses making it nearly impossible to defend, whether true or false, the mantra embraced by the woke was “believe women.” As Brett Stephens shows, […]

Parole Remains Unfixed | Simple Justice

The heady days of George Floyd protests and progressive prosecutors brought a number of “reforms,” most of which have proven, as expected, to be simplistic, misguided and unsustainable. It wasn’t enough to be filled with passion, but to also think long and hard about what would work and what was based on shallow fantasies. Granted, […]

Man Accused of Murder Found Deceased

Police say 36-year-old Mark Michael Ford is believed to have killed two individuals a week apart in February. The first incident is believed to have occurred on February 20th, a Tuesday. Investigators say they discovered the unresponsive female deceased at the 11000 block of Andorra Street after succumbing to gunshot wounds. The victim was later […]

Oral Argument Time, By Identity

To be fair, few motions are won at oral argument, though more are lost by a poor argument or an inadvertent admission. The serious argument is set forth in the motions themselves, the accompanying memorandum and affirmations. Face time before the court is fun, and may well turn out to be significant if the judge […]

The Flattening | Simple Justice

In a series of posts, Radley Balko sought to debunk what he calls the “retconning” of George Floyd stemming from a documentary that questioned whether he was murdered by Derek Chauvin with the support or involvement of people like  John McWhorter, Glenn Loury, Bari Weiss and Coleman Hughes, among others. By “retconning,” Radley refers to […]

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