Car Crash Statistics in Texas: 2022 vs. 2023

Travis County Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

Travis County saw a slight decrease in motor vehicle accidents from 17,468 accidents in 2022 to 17,257 accidents in 2023, a reduction of 2.2 percent. The total number of fatalities went down by 5.3 percent and the number of alcohol-related fatalities went down by nearly 27 percent. Like many other counties, the number of motorcycle-related fatalities went up. In Travis County specifically, it went up nearly 13 percent in 2023.

Travis County 2022 2023
Total Crash Count 17,648 17,257
Total Number of Fatalities 169 160
Total Number of Injuries 11,105 10,831
Alcohol-Related Fatalities 205 150
Motorcycle-Related Fatalities 31 35

Collin County Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

In Collin County, motor vehicle accidents increased by 7.4 percent – from 13,824 in 2022 to 14,846 in 2023. The number of fatalities from motor vehicle accidents dropped from 76 in 2022 to 62 in 2023, an 18 percent reduction.

The total number of alcohol-related fatalities also dropped, from 70 in 2022 to 45 in 2023 –  a 36% reduction. Collin County saw two fewer motorcycle-related deaths, dropping from 19 in 2022 to 17 in 2023.

Collin County 2022 2023
Total Crash Count 13,824 14,846
Total Number of Fatalities 76 62
Total Number of Injuries 6,821 7,242
Alcohol-Related Fatalities 70 45
Motorcycle-Related Fatalities 19 17

Denton County Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

Denton County had 12,262 total vehicle accidents in 2023, up from 11,966 the previous year – a 2.4 percent decrease. The total number of fatalities stemming from motor vehicle accidents increased from 48 in 2022 to 51 in 2023. There was nearly a 60 percent increase in alcohol-related motor vehicle deaths in 2023 compared to the previous year in Denton County, jumping from 25 to 40. The most dramatic increase in deaths was the nearly doubling of motorcycle-related deaths, jumping from 8 in 2022 to 17 in 2023.

Denton County 2022 2023
Total Crash Count 11,966 12,262
Total Number of Fatalities 48 51
Total Number of Injuries 4,747 5,083
Alcohol-Related Fatalities 25 40
Motorcycle-Related Fatalities 8 17

Hidalgo County Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

In 2023, Hidalgo County had an increase in crashes, from 17327 in 2022 to 17746 the following year – 2.4 percent increase. There was an increase in the number of fatalities from 76 to 83 during the same period, an increase of 9.2 percent. The number of alcohol-related motor vehicle fatalities dropped from 129 to 116, a reduction of 10 percent, and the number of motorcycle accident-related fatalities dropped from 10 to 6 in 2023.

Hidalgo County 2022 2023
Total Crash Count 17,327 17,746
Total Number of Fatalities 76 83
Total Number of Injuries 9,539 10,160
Alcohol-Related Fatalities 129 116
Motorcycle-Related Fatalities 10 6

El Paso County Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

El Paso County saw a 3.15 percent drop in the total number of motor vehicle accidents in 2023 as compared to 2022, from 19471 to 18857. There was a nearly 7 percent increase in the number of fatalities arising from motor vehicle accidents, going from 89 in 2022 to 95 in 2023. There was a 30 percent increase in the number of alcohol-related fatalities, jumping from 76 to 99, and an 85 percent decrease in motorcycle-related fatalities dropping from 20 deaths in 2022 to 3 deaths in 2023.

El Paso County 2022 2023
Total Crash Count 19,471 18,857
Total Number of Fatalities 89 95
Total Number of Injuries 7,011 7,797
Alcohol-Related Fatalities 76 99
Motorcycle-Related Fatalities 20 3

Fort Bend County Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

In 2023, Fort Bend County had 11,549 total crashes – a 10 percent increase from the year before when there were 10,496 crashes. There was a 26 percent increase in the number of motor vehicle accident-related deaths, but a nearly 4 percent reduction in alcohol-related deaths. The number of motorcycle fatalities increased by one.

Fort Bend County 2022 2023
Total Crash Count 10,496 11,549
Total Number of Fatalities 34 43
Total Number of Injuries 3,946 4,379
Alcohol-Related Fatalities 26 25
Motorcycle-Related Fatalities 7 8

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